News / FJP Releases

FJP Applauds President Biden on Historic Commutations for 2,500 People Convicted of Nonviolent Drug Offenses

With his recent slate of commutations, President Biden has set a modern record for individual pardons and commutations, cementing his legacy on justice issues.

Today, President Biden announced the commutation of nearly 2,500 people convicted of non-violent drug infractions. In an official statement, President Biden noted that these individuals are currently serving disproportionately long sentences following changes to current U.S. “law, policy, and practice,” such as the crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity that disproportionately impacted Black and brown communities. The move comes on the heels of President Biden’s decision to commute the vast majority of the federal death row.  

Fair and Just Prosecution Acting Co-Executive Director Robin Olsen issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s historic announcement:

“Rectifying unjust sentencing disparities, including for crack and powder cocaine, is an important component of seeking equal justice. It is long overdue for the United States to address the cases for those serving unjust sentences that would not be given today. President Biden has cemented his legacy by addressing critical issues of justice, fairness, and criminal legal reform. We are appreciative of this action and the work done that’s led to today. There is still more work to do to move toward fairness in our justice system.”

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