Justin Sterling

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Renegade (after Mark Gonzalez), 2021

Found window, fiberglass, bullet casings, insulation foam, caulking
Justin Sterling is a contemporary/modern artist who works across a range of mixed media, from sculpture and installations to painting and drawing to music and performance. He is an activist who hopes his work inspires dialogue about social, economic, and political issues, civil disobedience, and what it means to be a citizen. For more about Justin’s work, see his website, justintoart.com.

Artist’s Statement

Mark Gonzalez is an anomaly of a personality. It is admirable and brave to become a DA as a member of a bike club that, unfortunately, is included in a gang database in Texas. Mark is the quintessential example of “don’t judge a book by its cover,” so this piece juxtaposes pink fiberglass and bullet casings. He is a renegade empowered to show us what empathy is during these times of violence, suffering, and addiction that are inflamed further by mass incarceration.